Monday, July 27, 2009

A New Story Idea

So I have an idea for a new WIP fic that I've been toying around with. It would be a James II-centred adventure/action fic titled The Cursed Skull. I think I'm going to post it sometime in the next two weeks, if not sooner. Here's the summary, though it might change a bit before I post it.

When the Chamber of Secrets is opened for a third time, sixth year James Potter (II) sets out to discover what is attacking the muggleborn students since the Basilisk was previously slayed by his father. When a close friend looks to be the next victim, James gets the help of a few friends and a lot of family, and together they struggle to solve the mystery and close the Chamber.

What do you think? Does this sound like it could be an entertaining/exciting read? Any comments or suggestions are welcomed!

At this point, I only have 2 1/2 chapters written, and I'm sure it will end up with at least 7 chapters, if not more.

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