Hello, wonderful readers! Because it's been a very long time since my last update on any of my stories, I thought I'd treat you all to a little surprise.
In The Properties of a Rose, Hugo has been given the task of being the captain of the school Gobstones Club. Being the driven boy that Hugo is, he has come up with a T-shirt design for the club.
This is his T-shirt design (it will be mentioned in part fourteen, which is currently being written and will be posted shortly). Comments are welcomed!
Also, because you all are the lovely readers that you are, I'm giving you a challenge. Whoever comes up with the best name for a Japanese Magic School will have their name appear in the story. =) You can post your idea for the school in this format in a comment:
Your Penname/Review Name:
Your First Name:
Your Idea(s):
Thanks, and enjoy the design!
nice design! very Hugo-esque :) Sorry, can't think of any Japanese Magic School names...mainly owed to the fact i know nothing about Japan :( good luck to whoever enters!
ReplyDeleteWhile I am a big fan of Japanese culture and Harry Potter, I have not come across anything that could remotely resemble a Japanese magic school.
ReplyDeleteHopefully I can still be of help though. I'm a big fanboy of what is called Super Sentai (more commonly known as Power Rangers in western culture) and one of the seasons they did was of a witch/wizard theme. It's called "Mahou Sentai Magiranger" (Magic Taskforce Magiranger).
By the way, a little tidbit of information: I'm an avid reader of your fic. You may not recognize my penname, secretsnake07, because in hpff.com, I go by "ScoroseShipper07". Sound familiar?
I really hope I was able to help. Even a tiny, minscule bit.
Thanks, guys! I'm so glad you checked out the blog-post.
ReplyDeleteI really started this to show you what I had imagined Hugo had drawn, and then I realized that I was in need of a school name.
SS07, that does help, actually. So "Mahou" means "Magic?"
Thank you both for the feedback! =)
Wow, erm...heheh. How do I say this? I don't really feel comfortable using my own name in fics. For some reason I just get weirded out and it just doesn't sit right with me. I base characters off of myself though!
ReplyDeleteAnother thing you should know is...I'm a guy! Yep, you have stumbled upon the small percentage of males who actually read fanfiction. And no, I'm not gay, I'm just a hopeless romantic and enjoy really good writing. I wouldn't blame you if you've assumed I was a girl all this time, but I'm sorry if this actually puts a damper on what you planned to do with "my character."
Although if it helps, you can totally make my character gay. The gayest you can make him. He can get all flamboyant and campy, it's your call.
I actually had no idea if you were male or female, to be honest. I try not to assume about my readers or other writers (unless of course it's strikingly obvious because of their penname, such as HarrysGirlfriend or WonWonsLavLav or something).
ReplyDeleteI totally understand about not being comfortable with using your own name, so if you have a name you'd like for me to use--maybe a favourite name or a name similar to yours or your middle name or your third cousin twice removed, that works perfectly fine for me. I just want a way to say thank you to you for helping me out with the Japanese Magic School. As far as your gender goes, I had no plans for this character other than to be a minor character named after you or your choice name--I had decided where they would be placed, of course, house and age and such but had not decided gender or name.
So, to answer that, just let me know if there's a name you like for a character. I've got the description down and all of that. Would you prefer Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw? Either will work for the characteristics I've got so far.
Also, be sure to check the response in my review as far as Rose's character goes.
Personally, I've always been more of a Slytherin. My second choice was always Ravenclaw, though.
ReplyDeleteAccording to standard Slytherin order, I'm not such a big fan of Hufflepuff.
Oddly, I've been a big fan of Hebrew names, despite being Filipino with a Spanish name. I've always like the names Matthias or Eli. Take your pick.
And I read your reply to my review and, having looked at it through your point of view, I get where you're coming from. Many people have made her act so maturely so I myself have put her on a pedestal. To be honest, the way you're writing Rose is very fresh.
Hope inspiration comes faster to you this time around, since I can't wait 'til the next update!
So a Ravenclaw named Eli, then. =) Yay! We've got it figured out!
ReplyDeleteOften times, if I'm playing around with a oneshot or reading others' writings of Rose, I do see her as a very mature young witch. She seems, in my opinion, very much like the portrayl we see of young Lily Evans. I challenged myself when writing The Properties of a Rose to make her a bit more of a mixture of Ron/Hermione--fun but smart, sassy but tactful, classy but still youthful. I strive to have my own portrayl of her.
Thanks so much!
PS: I've already got the next chapter mostly written--I've got to finish and edit.